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Hi, I’m Kanon Clifford and thank you for tuning in this week to ask an injury lawyer today. I’ll be speaking to you about the types of personal injury claims you may encounter. The most common type of personal injury claims we run into in North America include motor vehicle accidents work accidents, premise liability claims also known as slip trip and fall accidents, wrongful death claims, assault claims, product liability accidents and even the rare animal attack or bite case.

The term personal injury also incorporates medical and dental accidents which may lead to medical negligence or medical malpractice claims as well as conditions that are often classified as industrial disease cases including asbestos or peritoneal mesothelioma chest disease, occupational deafness, occupational stress and representative strain cases. The most common are usually automobile collisions personal injury cases may also include toxic torts which is a contaminant transmitted by air or water causing illness injury or death like depicted in the true story academy award film Erin Brockovich.

When a person has an injury claim they can pursue that cause of action in court or they can settle it through negotiations with the other side involved in the events that gave rise to the claim. However the right to sue for a claim is not usually unlimited and is subject to limitation periods and other restrictions. It is always best to check with a legal professional in your jurisdiction to ensure a limitation period has not been missed. If you have any injury law questions leave a comment below and we’ll do our best to answer them in our next video. I’m Kanon Clifford and thank you for tuning in today.