If you have reason to believe you suffered a concussion, there is no time to wait around. You need to seek immediate medical attention, as this type of injury can have a long term impact on your mental and physical well being.

Here are some of the most common symptoms of a concussion:

— Memory loss for any period of time

— Loss of consciousness

— Headache

— Nausea or vomiting

— Dizziness

— Seizure

You may feel that you are jumping the gun, but it’s best to seek medical attention. Even if you find that you don’t have a concussion, you never know if tests could uncover another type of injury.

There are many tests used to diagnose a concussion, such as a CT scan, MRI scan, and neurological test. With each of these, medical professionals are looking to determine if your brain was injured.

The primary treatment of a concussion is rest. With this, you give your brain time to heal and that is exactly what it needs.

In the long run, most people fully recover from a concussion within a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, there are times when symptoms can linger much longer.

Most people who suffer a concussion don’t want to be down and out for too long. While this is understandable, you need to take this injury seriously. It could greatly impact your mind and body in a number of ways, and you want to do your best to avoid long term consequences. This is why it’s so important to receive a professional diagnosis and treatment plan.

Source: BrainLine, “What Should You Do If You Think You Have Had a Concussion?,” accessed June 22, 2016